HackMiami Meeting 06/04/2011
Covering full disclosure and celebrating the release of GNOME 3
Full disclosure requires that full details of a security vulnerability are disclosed to the public, including details of the vulnerability and how to detect and exploit it. The theory behind full disclosure is that releasing vulnerability information immediately results in quicker fixes and better security. Fixes are produced faster because vendors and authors are forced to respond in order to protect their system from potential attacks as well as to protect their own image. Security is improved because the window of exposure, the amount of time the vulnerability is open to attack, is reduced. A guest speaker will be joining us to discuss responsible disclosure setting the tone for further discussion about the sales of 0days to underground markets. How to work with vendors? How to proceed when vendors don't commit to established working times and fixes? How to deal with the backlash from a vendor who refuses to accept your security research and work with you?
Following the release of GNOME 3 available on popular distributions, we will be highlighting the features and showcasing a demo of the redesigned desktop manager.
Defcon Quals!
Do you want to participate in Defcon Quals for CTF? HackMiami has a team.
Head over to the site below and register.
Your team affiliation is: diabl0
Your team's sign up key is: 26a4be86cf27c699ed75c88be36dee4d852b7481
Use the sign up key when you create your account to be placed on our team.
We will be working on it at the meeting this Saturday so stop on by and play for a bit.
Join us at Miami Shared
990 Biscayne Blvd.
Office 501
Miami, FL 33132
(305) 929-8688